劉同學 | Aberdeen | Renewable Energy Engineering |
陳同學 | AUB | Dramatherapy |
陳同學 | AUB | Illustration |
陳同學 | Bath | Marketing |
劉同學 | Birmingham | Investment |
李同學 | Birmingham | Investment |
林同學 | Birmingham | Materials Science and Engineering |
陳同學 | Brighton | Illustration |
劉同學 | Bristol | Finance and Investment |
陳同學 | Bristol | Management |
游同學 | Bristol | Law |
吳同學 | Bristol | Film and Television |
陳同學 | Bristol | Management (Marketing) |
羅同學 | Bristol | Management |
賴同學 | Bristol | Education-Neuroscience and Education |
李同學 | CASS | Management (Marketing) |
王同學 | Durham | Humanities, Law and Social Science |
簡同學 | Durham | Finance (Finance and Investment) |
徐同學 | Durham | BSc Business and Management |
陳同學 | Durham | Finance-Finance & Investment |
凃同學 | Durham | Marketing |
沈同學 | Exeter | Financial Analysis and Fund Management |
賴同學 | Exeter | Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) |
楊同學 | Exeter | Innovation and Business Strategy |
陳同學 | Falmouth | Illustration |
劉同學 | Glasgow | Financial Forecasting and Investment |
楊同學 | Glasgow | Creative Industries and Cultural Policy |
王同學 | Glasgow | Human Nutrition |
鄭同學 | Glasgow | Finance and Management |
黃同學 | Glasgow | International Strategic Marketing |
賴同學 | Goldsmiths | Media & Communications |
賴同學 | Goldsmiths | Promotional Media: Public Relations, Advertising & Marketing |
徐同學 | Goldsmiths | User Experience Engineering |
賴同學 | Goldsmiths | Music, Mind and Brain |
李同學 | Imperial College | Health Data Analytics and Machine Learning |
陳同學 | Kingston | Illustration |
吳同學 | Kingston | Communication Design: Illustration |
王同學 | KCL | King's International Foundation - Global Politics & Social Science |
陳同學 | KCL | General Engineering |
陳同學 | KCL | Finance (Asset Pricing) |
蘇同學 | KCL | King's International Foundation - Business Management & Social Science |
林同學 | KCL | Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching |
李同學 | KCL | Banking and Finance |
陳同學 | KCL | Finance |
黃同學 | KCL | Finance Analytics |
王同學 | KCL | Nutrition |
王同學 | KCL | Banking and Finance |
賴同學 | KCL | International Foundation – Biology and Chemistry |
胡同學 | Lancaster | International Foundation Year_Arts and Social Sciences |
王同學 | Leeds | International Foundation Year_Arts and Social Sciences |
劉同學 | Leeds | Finance and Investment |
陳同學 | Leeds | Human Resource Management |
游同學 | Leeds | International Business Law |
陳同學 | Leeds | International Marketing Management |
陳同學 | Leeds | Global Fashion Management |
郭同學 | Leeds | Consumer Analytics and Marketing Strategy |
李同學 | Leeds | Finance and Investment |
黃同學 | Leeds | Finance and Investment |
蘇同學 | Leeds | International Foundation Year |
賴同學 | Leeds | Media Industries |
林同學 | Leeds | Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages |
陳同學 | Leeds | International Marketing Management |
黃同學 | Leeds | Corporate Communications Marketing and Public Relations |
范同學 | Liverpool | Music and Technology |
李同學 | Liverpool | Data Science and Artificial Intelligence |
劉同學 | Liverpool | Data Science and Artificial Intelligence |
郭同學 | Loughborough | Digital Marketing |
賴同學 | Loughborough | Global Media and Cultural Industries |
徐同學 | Loughborough | User Experience and Service Design |
黃同學 | Loughborough | Business Psychology |
黃同學 | Manchester | Finance |
林同學 | Manchester | Advanced Engineering Materials |
王同學 | Manchester | Finance |
洪同學 | Newcastle | Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship |
劉同學 | Nottingham | Finance and Investment |
郭同學 | Nottingham | Psychology (Conversion) |
游同學 | Nottingham | International Commercial Law |
陳同學 | Nottingham | Marketing |
李同學 | Nottingham | Finance and Investment |
簡同學 | Nottingham | Finance and Investment |
干同學 | Nottingham | Data Science |
胡同學 | Nottingham | Industrial Engineering & Operations Management |
陳同學 | Nottingham Trent (NTU) | Marketing and Brand Management
劉同學 | Queen Mary (QMUL) | Computer Science with Industrial Experience |
賴同學 | Queen Mary (QMUL) | International Foundation Year-Science and Engineering |
高同學 | RCM | Performance Science |
郭同學 | Reading | Marketing (Digital Marketing) |
沈同學 | Reading | Finance |
尚同學 | Reading | Finance |
鄭同學 | St Andrews | Finance and Management |
簡同學 | Sheffield | Marketing Management Practice |
游同學 | Sheffield | Corporate and Commercial Law |
簡同學 | Sheffield | International Management and Marketing |
蔡同學 | Sheffield | Landscape Architecture |
武同學 | Sheffield | Data Analytics |
楊同學 | Sheffield | Creative and Cultural Industries Management |
莊同學 | Sheffield | Journalism Studies |
林同學 | Sheffield | Materials Science Engineering |
劉同學 | Sheffield | Environmental and Energy Engineering |
古同學 | SOAS | Global Media and Communications |
簡同學 | Southampton | International Financial Markets |
陳同學 | Southampton | Marketing Management |
陳同學 | Southampton | Marketing Management |
黃同學 | Southampton | Electronic Engineering |
郭同學 | Strathclyde | Digital Marketing Management |
郭同學 | Strathclyde | Electronic & Electrical Engineering |
黃同學 | Surrey | Electronic Engineering |
王同學 | UCL | Undergraduate Preparatory Certificate for the Humanities(UPCH) |
林同學 | UCL | Art History |
劉同學 | Warwick | Finance |
黃同學 | Warwick | Business & Finance |
黃同學 | Warwick | Business & Finance |
林同學 | Westminster | Public Relations and Advertising |
李同學 | Westminster | Fashion Business Management |