格拉斯哥卡來多尼恩大學(GCU) 的商學院擁有許多新課程,舉凡時尚行銷、時尚品牌管理等,皆獲得學生的好評;另外此大學非常重視學生的就業前景,所以畢業生都具備未來職業市場的技能。現在就來看台灣學生 Yuhsien 的分享,包含在 GCU 倫敦校區讀 InternationalFashionMarketing 能獲得的豐富資源,以及最喜歡的科目:
GCU London is the situated in an amazing location. It's a fashion hub. The luxury and fashion market here is very vibrant, also GCU London is an international university. So my classmates are all from different countries. I really enjoy working and study with them because we can share different and very refreshing ideas and thought together.
I really like the major of digital fashion branding and marketing. It gave me the freedom to design my own brand, brand vision and how it should be advertised and how to communicate with our target customer. It really provides me with good insight into fashion industry and teach me how to know the operation of a fashion business from a particular perspective.
The best thing about being a student in london is having easy access to some of the most exclusive and exciting events such as london fashion show or Notting Hill Gate Carnival. And there's something new going on in london from the world famous museums to one of the innovative exibition.
Life as a student and GCU London is quite enjoyable. Staff are really supportive and the course is great. The lecture are informative, well structured and interesting. The tutor really help you to understand fashion industry. Outside the lecture, I enjoy spending time with my friends that I have made whilst study at this course.
@Glasgow Caledonian University
1) MSc Fashion & Lifestyle Marketing
2) MSc Luxury Brand Marketing
3) MBA Luxury Brand Management
4) MSc Fashion Business Creation
5) MSc International Management and Business Development (LDN)
6) MSc Global Marketing
7) MBA Global Masters of Business Administration
8) MSc International Fashion Marketing
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