The Value of a Master's Degree|最新消息

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In the United States and throughout the world, an important debate is taking place regarding the benefits of higher education. The sharp increase in master's degrees indicates that undergraduate degrees—once the hallmark of intellectualism and achievement—are now losing some relative value. What was once exceptional has become a basic requirement. Despite the extra expense, the growing market for master's degrees suggests that students see value in earning one. Increase in Master's degree reflects that this is a generational phenomenon associated with the change in overall education attainment. While the academic benefits of graduate education are an undeniable enticing, the substantial increase in master's degree attainment implies that market-based motivations also are at play. In recent years, the increasing difficulty of attaining a high-paying career without a college education has indicated the devaluation of high school diplomas and professional vocational schools, and the necessity of bachelor's degrees.

So, to stand out in the job market, master's degrees seem like the easy next step. In a job market with an increasing number of college graduates to choose from, employers can choose candidates with master's degrees for the same jobs that may have only required bachelor's degrees before. we should also not forget the societal benefits that are created by higher-level education and higher levels of education lead to greater civic engagement, societal longevity, health, and economic prosperity.