薩塞克斯大學(University of Sussex)在近 QS 世界大學學科排名中,發展學( Development Studies)超越牛津、劍橋、哈佛,蟬聯世界第一;且 Sussex 於科學、社會科學、藝術和人文科學領域,皆享有極高的國際聲譽。
其中,Sussex 的「科學政策研究單位(Science Policy Research Unit, SPRU)」隨著科系與科學發展,在近年全球知名並越趨熱門;本次就由來自台中的張同學,為大家分享自己赴英學習以及攻讀科學政策 Science and Technology Policy 的心得!
※※ 訪談影片連結:
Shih-Ya Chang from Taichung, Taiwan
MSc Science and Technology Policy (2019-20)
I chose the University of Sussex and the Science and Technology Policy program because of the reputation of SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit), and the generous scholarship that Sussex has offered for international students. I switched the major after working in the academic and developed the interest in interdisciplinary studies of science and technology. The teaching system at the University of Sussex has a strong tradition in interdisciplinary research and training. Those features made me interested in the University of Sussex in the first place.
During the study, I found that the course design and the approach in the Science and Technology Policy program emphasize critical thinking and practical application at the same time, which is useful for the career at the academic as well as the industry. The environment of courses is open and friendly, encouraging the student to speak out different perspectives. SPRU also organizes seminars weekly, the topics and lecturers are diverse. The design of seminars allows students to approach new fields and ideas.
In the future, I would like to join the consultant company in the environmental or energy field, as well as help the collaboration between different actors. I believe the program in Sussex provides me useful knowledge, frameworks, and skills to achieve this goal.
◎ 【津橋英語學院】IELTS雅思線上課程開始報名,趁待在家裡的時間充實自己!
◎ 【津橋英語學院】EAP學術英語班開課:出國前把握時間,培養穩健台風、打造LSE等級論文!