【英國留學生活分享】Newcastle University / Translating and Interpreting 翻譯

首頁 英美留學生活心得分享 【英國留學生活分享】Newcastle University / Translating and Interpreting 翻譯

新堡大學(Newcastle University)以擁有歐洲最頂尖的醫學院著稱,更同時擁有世界極少數獲得三項國際認證的頂尖商學院;而他的翻譯系更是因擁有各種專業課程而深受學生歡迎,新堡大學的翻譯系長年與台灣知名翻譯研究所合作,其擁有專業的口譯及對譯課程,因此成為該領域學生最理想的學校選擇之一。

以下由從台灣至新堡大學就讀翻譯系的林同學所作之心得分享,相信也能提供對 Newcastle University 有興趣、或是以翻譯工作為志向的您許多珍貴資訊!

Alice Lin

MA Translating and Interpreting, 2018
Senior Translator/Project Manager, Wistron ITS


▲你為什麼會決定選擇Newcastle University呢?

我一直都知道我想學習和從事翻譯工作,因此我開始研究美國和英國各大學的課程。 我被Newcastle University獨有的2年制MA Translating and Interpreting的課程所吸引,因為我認為它提供了實踐和理論培訓的最佳結合。在入學前我也有與一位當時正在就讀這個科系的朋友聊,這也進一步讓我確認Newcastle University 是正確的選擇。



我非常喜歡我們的模擬會議,儘管這非常具有挑戰性,但同時也為我們提供了模擬真實會議翻譯的機會。 為了模擬會議做準備還能讓我們能夠接觸並了解我們以前不會碰到的各式主題。除了模擬會議外,我還喜歡”Specialised Translation and Literary Translation” 這門課程,在課程中,我們能夠翻譯各種不同的文本,並透過小組或課堂討論深入研究不同的翻譯理論和策略。



我曾經擔任Newcastle University台灣學生會的財務,這使我有機會認識其他在Newcastle的台灣學生並認識新朋友。當你獨自生活在國外時,我認為這還蠻重要的。


▲你最喜歡Newcastle 的什麼?

我喜歡Newcastle擁有像倫敦這樣大城市的設施和便利性,相較之下卻不那麼擁擠或嘈雜。 在城市的各個角落還隱藏著許多的美食餐廳。 我真的很喜歡每周日開設的碼頭市場和每年舉辦聖誕節市集。


▲你有什麼小撇步或建議提供給要從台灣到Newcastle University 就讀的學生嗎?

我有2個建議,第一個是加入Newcastle University 的台灣學生會。 這是與其他台灣學生和校友聯繫交流的機會,這也是面對獨自生活在國外秘訣的好方法,如果您是第一次來英國,這會非常實用。 第二個技巧是努力與來自英國和其他國家的人交談,無論是你的同班同學、室友或是老師,這是一個了解與您不同的文化的機會。 套用我在Newcastle的一位老師的話:如果您已經出國學習了,但卻只與來自您自己國家的人在一起,那為什麼還要來呢?


▲你畢業後的職業志向是什麼呢? 可以說明在Newcastle University學習對你的職涯有什麼幫助嗎:

畢業後我想從事專業的翻譯工作,現在在台灣一家大型IT服務公司擔任內部翻譯/翻譯項目經理。 我覺得Newcastle University 的課程提供的實踐培訓為我過渡到所選擇職業的現實世界做好了充分的準備,讓在我開始工作後便很快就能扮演更重要的角色。 我與同學和老師建立的連結也對我有很大幫助,因為他們不時會為我提供工作相關問題以及寶貴的建議和支持。



我認為最重要的是不要限制或低估自己。 如果你發現自己對某個職位非常感興趣,但是覺得自己僅是滿足某些條件,我會建議還是多嘗試,畢竟多嘗試並不會有什麼損失。 另一件事是要有耐心,千萬不要灰心,因為找到工作可能會需要花費一些時間。 在投遞履歷和面試之間,應花些時間放鬆一下。 另外,請充分利用學校的就業服務以及任何與校友聯繫的求職建議。


Alice Lin
MA Translating and Interpreting, 2018
Senior Translator/Project Manager, Wistron ITS

Student life

What made you decide to study at Newcastle University?

I knew I wanted to study and pursue a career in translation, so I began looking into programs at various universities in the US and UK. I was drawn to Newcastle University's unique 2-year MA T&I course because I felt it offered the best combination of practical and theoretical training. I then spoke to a friend who was already studying on the course about her experience, and her recommendation further confirmed for me that Newcastle was the place to go.

What did you most enjoy about your course?

I really enjoyed our Mock Conferences, which although were very challenging, offered an opportunity for us to simulate real-life conference interpreting settings. Preparing for the Mock Conferences also allowed us to learn about a wide range of subjects and topics that we otherwise would not have touched.

Apart from the Mock Conferences, I also loved the Specialised Translation and Literary Translation modules, in which we were able to translate a wide range of different texts, and delve into different translation theories and strategies through group or class discussions.

Did you participate in other activities (societies, sports clubs, placements), if so what were they and how did they enhance your student experience?

I was Treasurer for the Newcastle University Taiwanese Society, which gave me an opportunity to meet other Taiwanese students in Newcastle and make new friends--something I think is very important when you live in a foreign country by yourself.

What did you enjoy about living in or around Newcastle?

I loved how Newcastle has all the facilities and convenience of a big city like London, but isn't as crowded or noisy. There are also many lovely food places hidden in the various nooks and crannies of the city. I really enjoyed going to the Quayside market on Sundays and the Christmas Markets every year as well.

What 'top tip' would you give to a student moving from Taiwan to study at Newcastle University?

I have 2 tips to give, the first being to join the Newcastle University Taiwanese Society. It's a great way to connect with fellow Taiwanese students and alumni and swap experiences and tips for living abroad on your own, which can be extremely helpful if you're coming to the UK for the first time. The second tip is make an effort to talk to people from the UK and from other countries, whether it's your course-mates or flatmates or even teachers, and learn about cultures different from yours. To paraphrase one of my teachers at Newcastle, if you come abroad to study but only spend time with people from your own country, why come at all?


What were your career aspirations when you graduated? Explain how studying at Newcastle has helped you in your career:

I wanted to work professionally as a translator after graduation, and now work as an in-house translator/translation project manager at a large IT services company in Taiwan. I feel that the practical training offered by my course at Newcastle University prepared me well for transitioning into the real world of my chosen profession, and I was quickly able to take on more important roles on projects after starting at my job. The connections I built with my course-mates and teachers also helped me very much, as they have provided me with invaluable advice and support on work-related issues from time to time.

What ‘top tip’ would you give to postgraduate students who are looking for a job after graduating?

I think the most important thing is to not limit or underestimate yourself. If you see a role you're very interested in, but feel you only meet some of the requirements, try anyway. You've got nothing to lose. Another thing is to have patience and not be discouraged, because landing a job can take time. In between applications and interviews and whatnot, make sure to take some time to just relax. Also, do make use of the university's Careers Services, as well as any alumni connections you have for job hunting advice.


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